Often you must run to keep up with everyday life, forgetting to take the time to notice what is around you. If you stop for a moment, you can discover details of life that you have never seen before. In these little things, which seem not to be visible, one also finds great sources of happiness.
The inspiration for the cover of the single came from there: at first glance it seems like a bizarre portrait, but if you take a close look at the details, you see elements that represent strong emotions in relation to the artist and the song itself. Emotions, which are also represented by celestial bodies, which from here seem to be only small points of light, but in reality can be important guides for sailors and travellers. From this simple but deep reflection developed “Never Seen Before”, originally “Things You’ve Never Seen Before”, by Dany Zarah from Ticino. The song will be released on the 22st of March 2019.

Oftmals muss man rennen, um mit dem Alltag Schritt zu halten, und vergisst, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, zu beachten, was um einen herum ist. Wenn man einen Moment länger innehält, kann man Details aus dem Leben entdecken, die man noch nie zuvor gesehen hat. In diesen kleinen Dingen, die scheinbar nicht zu sehen sind, findet man auch grosse Quellen des Glücks.
Von dort kam die Inspiration für das Cover der Single: Auf den ersten Blick wirkt es wie ein bizarres Porträt, aber wenn man sich die Details genau ansieht, sieht man Elemente, die starke Emotionen in Bezug auf den Künstler und den Song selbst darstellen. Emotionen, die auch durch Himmelskörper dargestellt werden, die von hier aus nur kleine Lichtpunkte zu sein scheinen, aber in Wirklichkeit wichtige Leitfäden für Segler und Reisende sein können.
Aus dieser einfachen, aber tiefen Reflexion entstand “Never Seen Before”, ursprünglich “Things You’ve Never Seen Before”, der Tessinerin Dany Zarah. Der Song wird am 22. März 2019 veröffentlicht.

Spesso ci si ritrova a dover correre per stare al passo con la quotidianità, dimenticando di prendersi del tempo per osservare ciò che ci circonda. Soffermandosi un attimo in più si riesce a scoprire particolari della vita mai visti prima. In queste piccole cose che apparentemente non si vedono, si possono anche trovare grandi fonti di felicità.
Da qui è nato lo spunto per la copertina del singolo: a prima vista sembra un ritratto bizzarro, ma osservando attentamente i dettagli si riescono a scorgere elementi che rappresentano forti emozioni legate all’artista e alla canzone stessa. Emozioni rappresentate anche attraverso corpi celesti, i quali visti da qui sembrano solo piccoli puntini luminosi, ma in realtà possono essere importanti guide per marinai e viaggiatori.
Da questa semplice ma profonda riflessione è nata Never Seen Before, in origine Things You’ve Never Seen Before.

Never Seen Before

Artist : Dany Zarah
Format : Digital